Wednesday, January 23, 2013
Masukajabro -Diruang sidang pengadilan, hakim Marzuki duduk tercenung menyimak tuntutan jaksa PU terhadap seorang nenek yang dituduh mencuri singkong, nenek itu berdalih bahwa hidupnya miskin, anak lelakinya sakit, cucunya kelaparan ...
Namun manajer PT X** ( Y ** grup ) tetap pada tuntutannya, agar menjadi contoh bagi warga lainnya.
Hakim Marzuki menghela nafas., dia memutus diluar tuntutan jaksa PU, 'maafkan saya', katanya sambil memandang nenek itu,.
Saya tidak dapat membuat pengecualian hukum, hukum tetap hukum, jadi anda harus dihukum. saya mendenda anda 1jt rupiah dan jika anda tidak mampu membayar maka anda harus masuk penjara 2,5 tahun, seperti tuntutan jaksa PU'.
Nenek itu tertunduk lesu, hatinya remuk redam, sementara hakim Marzuki mencopot topi , membuka dompetnya kemudian mengambil & memasukkan uang sejumlah 1jt rupiah ke dalam topi tersebut dan berkata kepada hadirin...
"Saya atas nama pengadilan, juga menjatuhkan denda kepada tiap orang yang hadir diruang sidang ini sebesar 50rb rupiah, sebab menetap dikota ini, yang membiarkan seseorg kelaparan sampai harus mencuri untuk memberi makan cucunya....
" Sdr panitera, tolong kumpulkan dendanya dalam topi saya ini lalu berikan semua hasilnya kepada terdakwa ."
Sampai palu diketuk dan hakim Marzuki meninggaikan ruang sidang, nenek itupun pergi dengan mengantongi uang 3,5jt rupiah...
Termasuk uang 50rb yg dibayarkan oleh manajer PT X *** yang tersipu malu karena telah menuntutnya.
Sungguh sayang kisahnya luput dari pers.
Kisah ini sungguh menarik sekiranya ada teman yang bisa mendapatkan dokumentasi kisah ini bisa di share di media untuk jadi contoh kepada aparat penegak hukum lain agar bekerja menggunakan hati nurani dan mencontoh hakim Marzuki yang berhati mulia.
Semoga dapat menjadikan teladan bagi kita semua.
Ini cerita boong om.. improvisasi dari salah satu cerita di buku "One Hundred Wisdom Stories from Around the World"
isi kutipannya :
......This incident allegedly happened during the 1930s in New York City “on one of the coldest days of the year.
The world was in the grip of the Great Depression, and all over the city, the poor were close to starvation.
It happened that a judge sitting on the bench that day was hearing a complaint against a woman who was charged with stealing a loaf of bread. She pleaded that her daughter was sick, and her grandchildren were starving because their father had abandoned the family. But the shopkeeper, whose loaf had been stolen, refused to drop the charge. He insisted that an example be made of the poor old woman, as a deterrent to others.
The judge sighed. He was most reluctant to pass judgment on the woman, yet he had no alternative. “I’m sorry, “he said, turning to her. “But I can’t make any exceptions. The law is the law. I sentence you to a fine of ten dollars, and if you can’t pay I must send you to jail for ten days.”
The woman was heartbroken, but even as he was passing sentence, the judge was reaching into his pocket for the money to pay off the ten-dollar fine. He took his hat from the desktop, tossed a ten-dollar bill into it, and then addressed the crowd:
“I am also going to impose a fine of fifty cents on every person here present in this courtroom, for living in a town where a person has to steal bread to save her grandchildren from starvation. Please collect the fines, Bailiff, in this hat, and pass them across to the
And so the accused went home that day from the courtroom with $47.50—fifty cents of which had been paid by the shamefaced grocery storekeeper who had brought the charge against her. And as she left the courtroom, the gathering of petty criminals and New York policemen gave the judge a standing ovation. - January 26, 2013 at 12:07 PM